The "Brit a Day" series

What does a months-long parade of attractive British men have to do with fiction, you might well ask? These gentlemen have inspired some lovely scenes, part of the life I live in my head. Over time, some of these scenes reach out to one another and begin to form a story. For the present, each one of these pictures provides a writing prompt for me, a way to keep me writing with a sense of passion and narrative, even when the stories are not yet fully formed.

Monday, May 27, 2013

A Brit a Day [#1116]

A few years ago, James May became an honorary flight attendant for a day on the world's most exclusive airline, courtesy of the United States Air Force.

On the right of the lower photo is Major John "Cabi" Cabigas, his pilot for the excursion in a Lockheed U-2 spy plane to the edge of space.  Best wishes to all who serve and who have served in the U.S. armed forces on this Memorial Day.


Cabi~ said...

Thanks for adding me/us to your Blog!


Jane is a said...

Thank you for stopping by, and thank you for your daily service to this country!