The "Brit a Day" series

What does a months-long parade of attractive British men have to do with fiction, you might well ask? These gentlemen have inspired some lovely scenes, part of the life I live in my head. Over time, some of these scenes reach out to one another and begin to form a story. For the present, each one of these pictures provides a writing prompt for me, a way to keep me writing with a sense of passion and narrative, even when the stories are not yet fully formed.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Brit a Day [#20]

James Blunt: What's he up to these days? When I first discovered him he was dating a Victoria's Secret supermodel. At the time I thought, "How.....expected." But then I learned that she had been on the beach in Indonesia the day of the earth-stopping tsunami--this was before they met--and she had barely survived; her fiance was killed. James Blunt was a Captain in the British Army in his Before Time, and I understand that he saw a lot of suffering in Kosovo, a lot of suffering that he couldn't do much about. I imagine that she--I'm sorry, but I can't remember her name--saw a lot of the same while she was recovering in Indonesia. I guess when they met, they realized that they had a lot in common that other people simply wouldn't understand.

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