The "Brit a Day" series

What does a months-long parade of attractive British men have to do with fiction, you might well ask? These gentlemen have inspired some lovely scenes, part of the life I live in my head. Over time, some of these scenes reach out to one another and begin to form a story. For the present, each one of these pictures provides a writing prompt for me, a way to keep me writing with a sense of passion and narrative, even when the stories are not yet fully formed.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Brit a Day [#84]

Here is Henry Ian Cusick on the set of 'Lost', most likely filming an episode near the end of season 5. Co-star Michael Emerson is in the backgound and a very happy [lucky] stagehand union guy is in the mid-ground. In the episode in question, Ben [Emerson's character] arrives at the marina with the intention of killing Penny, Desmond's wife, first shoots Desmond in the shoulder, then equivocates about shooting Penny long enough for wounded Desmond to jump him and throw him in the drink. This picture must have been taken before the action because Ian's not all bloody and Michael isn't all wet.

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